New Product: Tornatech GT-FluxFP Orifice Flow Meter
We are pleased to announce a new addition to our product line, the FM Approved GT-FluxFP Orifice Flow Meter.
Major features include:
Orifice plate can be mounted vertically or horizontally
Stable flow reading (No bouncing)
No purging required before using
No periodic re-calibration required
The orders can be placed as of January 20, 2020. Please include this new product as part of your proposal documents. Our website has been updated with technical data and submittal documents.For more information please.Thank you for your support and continued business.
FM认证GERAND文丘利管型流量计,美国泰科文丘利管流量计FM认证,美国进口文丘利管流量计,美国泰科文丘利管流量计,泰科流量计,TYCO流量计,美国FM认证文丘利管流量计,FM/UL认证流量计供应Gerand美国FM认证流量计,FM认证Gerand流量计,特价供应美国FM认证Gerand流量计,FM认证流量计直读式消防流量计沟槽式流量计消防流量计,FM认证直读式流量计,FM认证流量计美国Global Vision,FM认证流量计美国Global Vision,GVI(Global Vision inc ) Fire Pump Test Meters-- The industry leader in flow meters,New Product: Tornatech GT-FluxFP Orifice Flow MeterFM认证Tornatech GT-FluxFP 孔板流量计,FM认证INFLUX流量计,特价供应英国influx流量计,特价供应英国influx消防流量测试装置