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  • 所属分类:渭南高低压二氧化碳气体灭火系统
  • 浏览次数:708次
  • 发布日期:2021-05-17 09:19:01
  • 产品概述
  • 性能特点
  • 技术参数


FM认证湿式清洗机高压二氧化碳气体灭火系统、FM认证Wet bench高压二氧化碳气体灭火系统

Wet bench湿式清洗机装置FM认证高压二氧化碳气体灭火系统是消防行业的一个创新发明。作为一套小型、低成本且高度可靠的独立自动灭火系统,它可依靠烟感,温感,以及火焰三种探测方式对设备进行火灾检测。能快速、准确、有效地探测及扑灭火源,既可大幅度降低工程的造价,也可降低每次灭火的费用,并且不会对人员造成任何伤害。采用机床灭火装置,可由原来对较大封闭空间的房间保护改为直接对各种较小封闭空间的贵重设备进行保护。

Wet bench湿式清洗机装置FM认证高压二氧化碳气体灭火系统的发明和成功使用引起了国际消防界的广泛注意,并已通过第三方质量监督检验中心"的检测。目前,机床灭火系统正以每年40%的增长速度在各行各业普及。




ANSUL High Pressure Carbon Dioxide Systems are especially effective for non-occupied hazards such as semiconductor work benches, control rooms and paint lines. ANSUL High Pressure Carbon Dioxide Systems are  specializes in Semiconductor Facilities, Cleanrooms & Wet Bench fire protection systems, as well as all other industrial fire safety applications. 

We offer innovative solutions for your complex commercial fire hazards, using tested and proven design concepts. Our engineers have extensive project experience and the ability to effectively utilize and interact with Architects, Mechanical, Electrical, Civil and Structural engineers to offer the best resolutions to any unique design challenge.

High Pressure Carbon Dioxide Product Data

The ANSUL Carbon Dioxide (CO2) Fire Suppression System is an engineered system utilizing either a fixed nozzle agent distribution network, hose reel(s), or a combination of both.

Non-corrosive, non-conductive, clean extinguishing agent that leaves no residue

Suitable for Class A, B, and C hazards

The ANSUL CO2 Fire Suppression System can be actuated by detection and control equipment for automatic system operation along with providing local and remote manual operation as needed.

Accessories are used to provide alarms, delay discharge, ventilation control, door closures, or other auxiliary shutdown or functions.

Due to the method of extinguishment, personnel occupying areas protected by carbon dioxide systems must be evacuated prior to system discharge. For this reason, discharge time delays and alarms are mandatory for occupied hazards.

Two or more hazard areas can be protected with a single group of agent storage containers (cylinders) by means of directional or selector valves.

The ANSUL CO2 Fire Suppression System is particularly useful for suppressing fires in hazards where an electrically non-conductive medium is essential or desirable; where clean-up of other agents presents a problem; or where the hazard obstructions require the use of a gaseous agent.


UL and ULC

FM approved




联系电话:销售一153 6100 6607 

联系电话:销售二133 2299 1150


